Youth forest conservation in Malawi
Creating a future while conducting environmental conservation.
The project will use youth forest conservation initiatives to provide socio-economic and ecosystemoriented solutions for the benefit of the youth, communities and the environment. It will basically aim to enhance conservation of forests while also capitalising on some forest value chains in a way of empowering youth economically. Under this project, Youth Act Club (YAC), together with Multiconsult Africa seeks to:
1. Venture into agriculture by introducing beehives in the forest and establishing a honey processing and packaging facility that will enable the YAC to supply honey on the market.
2. Venture into mushroom production: mushrooms will be graded and packaged for selling on the market. To acquire knowledge on mushroom production and its associated value chain, a mushroom production training at LUANAR University will be followed.
3. Introduce flowers and other flowering plants in the forest to create a safe haven for pollinators that are threatened by habitat loss from depletion of vegetation.
You can read more about this project in this news article.
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