Supporting community-based energy-initiatives
Advising on the heat transition from gas to sustainable heating sources
This project supported three community-based heat transition initiatives in the Netherlands by providing professional advice on developing bottom-up strategies for the transition from gas to sustainable heating sources. In the Netherlands, municipalities are searching for solutions with housing corporations and energy cooperatives, together with the community. In 2021, every Dutch municipality developed a vision for their local heat transition. This project developed a strategy for the use of sustainable heating sources for energy cooperatives in the Netherlands and executed three pilots in 2019 and 2020. Atrivé and TAUW worked together with local communities and local energy organizations to find appropriate solutions. Virtual Reality (VR) was used to visualize the options for local residents.
You can find information on the pilots (in Dutch) on TAUW’s website:
1. Burgerinitiatieven sleutel tot succes in de warmtetransitie | TAUW
2. Webinar ‘Van visie naar uitvoering in de warmtetransitie’ een groot succes | TAUW
Additionally, an infographic was made for municipalities to help them to start their heat transition.
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